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College-Board CLEP : College Level Exam Program (All CLEP Exam Pack) Practice Tests

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CLEP Question Bank : Download 100% Free CLEP Practice Tests (PDF and VCE)

Exam Number : CLEP
Exam Name : College Level Exam Program (All CLEP Exam Pack)
Vendor Name : College-Board
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Assessment CLEP Mock Questions and answers prior to deciding to take test
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Passing the College-Board CLEP exam requires more than just a superficial understanding of the course material and syllabus. Simply reading the CLEP course book is not enough. To ensure success, you need to familiarize yourself with the challenging questions that are asked in the actual CLEP exam. To achieve this, visit killexams.com and download their free CLEP Exam Cram sample questions to read. If you feel confident that you can memorize these CLEP questions, then you can register to download the complete set of Free Exam PDF for CLEP Exam Cram. This will be your best move towards success. Install the VCE exam simulator on your computer, read and memorize CLEP Exam Cram, and take practice tests regularly with the VCE exam simulator. Once you feel fully prepared for the actual CLEP exam, visit the test center and register for the real exam.

There is no shortcut to success when it comes to passing the College-Board CLEP exam. You need to put in the time and effort to study and prepare properly. However, with the help of killexams.com, you can make the process much easier and increase your chances of success. By downloading the free CLEP Exam Cram sample questions, you can get an idea of the type of questions that will be asked in the actual CLEP exam. From there, you can register to download the complete set of Free Exam PDF for CLEP Exam Cram and install the VCE exam simulator on your computer. With these resources at your disposal, you can read and memorize CLEP Exam Cram, take practice tests, and gauge your readiness for the actual CLEP exam. With persistence and hard work, you can clear your concepts and achieve success in the College-Board CLEP exam.

CLEP Exam Format | CLEP Course Contents | CLEP Course Outline | CLEP Exam Syllabus | CLEP Exam Objectives

The CLEP College Composition exam assesses writing skills taught in most first-year college composition courses. Those skills include analysis, argumentation, synthesis, usage, ability to recognize logical development, and research.

The College Composition exam contains approximately 50 multiple-choice questions to be answered in approximately 50 minutes and 2 mandatory, centrally scored essays to be written in 70 minutes, for a total testing time of 120 minutes. The essays are scored twice a month by college English faculty from throughout the country via an online scoring system. Each of the two essays is scored independently by at least two different readers, and the scores are then combined. This combined score is weighted approximately equally with the score from the multiple-choice section. These scores are then combined to yield the test-takers score. The resulting combined score is reported as a single scaled score between 20 and 80. Separate scores are not reported for the multiple-choice and essay sections.

Note: Although scores are provided immediately upon completion for other CLEP exams, scores for the College Composition exam are available to test takers one to two weeks after the test date. View the complete College Composition Scoring and Score Availability Dates.

The exam includes some pretest multiple-choice questions that won't be counted toward the test taker's score.

Colleges set their own credit-granting policies and therefore differ with regard to their acceptance of the College Composition exam. Most colleges will grant course credit for a first-year composition or English course that emphasizes expository writing; others will grant credit toward satisfying a liberal arts or distribution requirement in English.

The American Council on Educations College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT) has evaluated the exam and recommended the awarding of college credit for a score of 50 or above on the CLEP College Composition exam.

Conventions of Standard Written English (10%)

This section measures test takers' awareness of a variety of logical, structural, and grammatical relationships within sentences. The questions test recognition of acceptable usage relating to the items below:

Syntax (parallelism, coordination, subordination)

Sentence boundaries (comma splices, run-ons, sentence fragments)

Recognition of correct sentences

Concord/agreement (pronoun reference, case shift, and number; subject-verb; verb tense)




Active/passive voice

Lack of subject in modifying word group

Logical comparison

Logical agreement


Revision Skills (40%)

This section measures test takers' revision skills in the context of works in progress (early drafts of essays):


Evaluation of evidence

Awareness of audience, tone, and purpose

Level of detail

Coherence between sentences and paragraphs

Sentence variety and structure

Main idea, thesis statements, and topic sentences

Rhetorical effects and emphasis

Use of language

Evaluation of author's authority and appeal

Evaluation of reasoning

Consistency of point of view


Sentence-level errors primarily relating to the conventions of Standard Written English

Ability to Use Source Materials (25%)

This section measures test takers' familiarity with elements of the following basic reference and research skills, which are tested primarily in sets but may also be tested through stand-alone questions. In the passage-based sets, the elements listed under Revision Skills and Rhetorical Analysis may also be tested. In addition, this section will cover the following skills:

Use of reference materials

Evaluation of sources

Integration of resource material

Documentation of sources (including, but not limited to, MLA, APA, and Chicago manuals of style)

Rhetorical Analysis (25%)

This section measures test takers' ability to analyze writing. This skill is tested primarily in passage-based questions
pertaining to critical thinking, style, purpose, audience, and situation:




Rhetorical effects

Use of language

Evaluation of evidence

The Essays

In addition to the multiple-choice section, the College Composition exam includes a mandatory essay section that tests skills of argumentation, analysis, and synthesis. This section of the exam consists of two essays, both of which measure a test taker's ability to write clearly and effectively. The first essay is based on the test taker's reading, observation, or experience, while the second requires test takers to synthesize and cite two sources that are provided. Test takers have 30 minutes to write the first essay and 40 minutes to read the two sources and write the second essay. The essays must be typed on the computer.

First Essay: Directions

Write an essay in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement provided. Support your discussion with specific reasons and examples from your reading, experience, or observations.

Second Essay: Directions

This assignment requires you to write a coherent essay in which you synthesize the two sources provided. Synthesis refers to combining the sources and your position to form a cohesive, supported argument. You must develop a position and incorporate both sources. You must cite the sources whether you are paraphrasing or quoting. Refer to each source by the authors last name, the title, or by any other means that adequately identifies it.

Essay Scoring Guidelines

Readers will assign scores based on the following scoring guide.

6 – A 6 essay demonstrates a high degree of competence and sustained control, although it may have a few minor errors.

A typical essay in this category

addresses the writing task very effectively

develops ideas thoroughly, using well-chosen reasons, examples, or details for support

is clearly-focused and well-organized

demonstrates superior facility with language, using effective vocabulary and sentence variety

demonstrates strong control of the standard conventions of grammar, usage, and mechanics, though it may contain minor errors
5 – A 5 essay demonstrates a generally high degree of competence, although it will have occasional lapses in quality.

A typical essay in this category:

addresses the writing task effectively

develops ideas consistently, using appropriate reasons, examples, or details for support

is focused and organized

demonstrates facility with language, using appropriate vocabulary and some sentence variety

demonstrates consistent control of the standard conventions of grammar, usage, and mechanics, though it may contain minor errors
4 – A 4 essay demonstrates competence, with some errors and lapses in quality.

A typical essay in this category

addresses the writing task adequately

develops ideas adequately, using generally relevant reasons, examples, or details for support

is generally focused and organized

demonstrates competence with language, using adequate vocabulary and minimal sentence variety

demonstrates adequate control of the standard conventions of grammar, usage, and mechanics; errors do not interfere with meaning
3 – A 3 essay demonstrates limited competence.

A typical essay in this category exhibits one or more of the following weaknesses:

addresses the writing task, but may fail to sustain a focus or viewpoint

develops ideas unevenly, often using assertions rather than relevant reasons, examples, or details for support is poorly focused and/or poorly organized displays frequent problems in the use of language, using unvaried diction and syntax
demonstrates some control of grammar, usage, and mechanics, but with occasional shifts and inconsistencies

2 – A 2 essay is seriously flawed.

A typical essay in this category exhibits one or more of the following weaknesses:

addresses the writing task in a seriously limited or unclear manner

develops ideas thinly, providing few or no relevant reasons, examples, or details for support is unfocused and/or disorganized
displays frequent serious language errors that may interfere with meaning

demonstrates a lack of control of standard grammar, usage, and mechanics

1 – A 1 essay is fundamentally deficient.

A typical essay in this category exhibits one or more of the following weaknesses:

does not address the writing task in a meaningful way

does not develop ideas with relevant reasons, examples, or details

displays a fundamental lack of control of language that may seriously interfere with meaning

0 – Off topic.

Provides no evidence of an attempt to respond to the assigned topic, is written in a language other than English, merely copies the prompt, or consists of only keystroke characters.
* For the purposes of scoring, synthesis refers to combining the sources and the writers position to form a cohesive, supported argument.

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